Tejas Y Ohana Barrel Aged Cigars

Barrel Aged Cigars

Cigars embody relaxation and the art of savoring the finer things in life. The tobacco quality and the cigar maker's skill are crucial in crafting exceptional cigars. Barrel aging can elevate the experience to new heights. The process allows the cigar to absorb the flavors and aromas of the barrel and whiskey. It comes down to balance and time.

We aim to create a cigar that retains the original tobacco's essence while incorporating the barrel's flavors. Making balance key when choosing the type of cigar and barrel. Ensuring that the tobacco doesn't become overwhelmed by the barrel's influence.

Like whiskey, the time in the barrel influences the intensity of the flavors absorbed. Timing for the right intensity of flavors is different for each cigar. One of the remarkable aspects of barrel-aged cigars is their ability to develop new flavor notes. The tobacco can adopt hints of caramel, vanilla, spice, or even the subtle smokiness of charred oak.

Why Tejas Y Ohana?

Our distillery collaboration series is Tejas meaning friend or ally in Caddo. Our cigar manufacturing partner is Ohana, meaning family. Like our whiskeys we want you to share the cigars with Friends and Family!

To honor the concept of friends and family our cigars will be named after stereotypical family and friends. Such as Drunk Uncle, Crazy Aunt, That Guy, The Golden Child, and The Blacksheep, etc...

Our first two releases are Crazy Aunt and Drunk Uncle.

The Crazy Aunt a Habano-wrapped Puro Nicaraguan aged in a Texas Bourbon barrel. The Drunk Uncle a maduro-wrapped Puro Nicaraguan aged in a Balcones Texas Rye 100 barrel.


Rye Finished in a Rum Barrel.


K. Spoetzl Distillery Introduction